Monday, July 22, 2013

junk food or longevity of life?

Everyone starts their journey with a specific goal in mind.  Sometimes, we aren't completely honest with others or even ourselves about what that goal is because we don't want to hear that it is unrealistic or unobtainable.  I know I am always my biggest critic no matter what the situation, and the same goes for my journey to get healthy.

I cringe at the words "weight loss journey".  The journey shouldn't ever be to lose weight, it should be to get healthy.  What is the point of being super teeny tiny if you are seriously unhealthy?  I want to be healthy, so that I know I am putting forth the effort to prolong my life instead of cutting it short.  Greasy pizza, cheese fries, milkshakes, ice cream, cake, candy, etc. are all vices that you might indulge from time to time or more often than not, but I would rather live longer than eat another slice of pizza any day of my life. 

My plan is to exercise regularly, eat non processed food, and just make smart choices in general.  I want my body to be fit and solid, and I don't want parts of it to move as I walk across a room.  We all have those places we'd like to see smoothed out, tightened, toned, and flat.  We need to be honest with ourselves about how we feel about these things.  Here I go.

I have the way I feel when I eat processed food.  I feel gross and yuck all the rest of the day and sometimes into the next.  I feel sluggish when I try to exercise, and I feel like I have to drink even more water than I normally do to try and flush all the toxins out of my system.  All of it could be easily remedied by eating right from the beginning.  We need to stop and make a change.  I know it is hard because you are used to doing things one way and anything different can be scary, but if we do it together, it will be much easier. 

If you want to learn more about eating non processed, healthy food, or if you just want to know how in the world you're supposed to get your kids to like fresh veggies instead of mac and cheese and chicken nuggets, check out Let them know Girl in Asics sent you!

Fight the good fight of longevity for your health and wellness, and I will touch base with you hopefully tomorrow!

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