Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Can I Come Back from This?

Last week I was watching Extreme Makeover Weight loss Edition, and it was the episode with Jami.  I love shows like this and The Biggest Loser because of how inspirational they are.  I love watching people in all the stages of their journey of not only changing their body, but also finding and changing themselves on the inside. 

Jami's episode touched my heart in a new way.  There was a very impactful moment right after she had been weighed in for the first time, and she looked at Chris Powell with tears in her eyes and asked, "Can I come back from that?"  Obviously she was referring to the weight and how much damage she had put on her body, but it resonated so much more with me. 

We've all asked ourselves that question because everyone has had a point in your life when you feel you have hit rock bottom, and there absolutely cannot be any way out of the hole you've dug for yourself.  I'm here to tell you that's never the case.  There is ALWAYS a way out.  Until you are dead, you can always come back from anything.  I don't ever want anyone to feel like you are so far gone that, like Jami, you make a plan and intend to follow through with killing yourself.  There is always someone to help even if it's a stranger on the other end of a phone (suicide hotline) or a nurse at a hospital.  Please, please, please seek help before you think it is too late. 

I encourage you to reach out for help, prayers, opinions, information, and whatever you feel like you need to keep yourself afloat in the raging river we call life.  If something is wrong please don't hesitate to reach out to me, and I will do my best to find someone who I can connect you with who will be able to help you.  Just remember it is NEVER too late.

You can come back from this!

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